
We have numerous wells that have been drilled or purchased over the years. Currently we use the Smith Well for potable production to operate our facilities.  The Pool Well supplies water to the Pool and augments the Non Potable Well, when needed, to supply water for non potable sales. The Cabin Well and the Three Mile Well are functional and currently are used only for road maintenance. All the other wells are non functioning. 

Stress points for our present system:

The greatest risk, to our potable supply stems,  from the fact that the failure or incapacity of a single well would shut down the majority of our public operation. The number one priority for long- term planning should be getting a second potable water supply approved and on-line. The Cabin Well is the quickest and easiest solution. The well and pump are in place. It has excellent proximity to our main storage tank. Adding a 10,000 aeration/intermediate tank would increase our available potable storage capacity to almost 60,000 gallons. Presently, if we lose a pump in the Smith Well, or suffer the collapse of a well casing, etc. we can be out of commission until the issue is addressed. In addition to the Cabin Well, consideration should be given to a site for an additional potable water well, drilled to the same aquifer as the Three Mile and Smith Wells, but at a sufficient distance to minimize general depletion.

For the short term, our best non-potable option appears to be placement of a tank on the east side of the Ranch Road. We can use existing piping and relocate an existing tank. Setting up a gravity-fed system here can be done for as little as $1,000.


Smith Well

Strengths—permitted by TCEQ- large, recharging aquifer.

Well house, chlorination system, pump, backup generator all in place and in excellent condition

Weaknesses—Only active potable well in system.

2023 Water usage/production summary:

1,101,000 gallons produced. 2.09 gallons per minute actual usage
Can average 3,000 to 4,000 gpd without depleting aquifer 5,000 gpd maximum monthly average.

9,000 gallons maximum daily production.
With the minimal summer rains of 2023 recovered from 216 feet to 192 feet below ground level.,

Non Potable Well

Strengths—closest well to office
Property owner dispensing system installed. Recharges quickly after rain.
Pump and well house in place.

Weaknesses—shallow well with modest overall output.

Ineligible to be certified for potable use. (Next to corral)
Well house needs to be updated and upgraded.
Able to produce approximately 7/8 of current property owner demand.

2023 Water usage/production summary:

Producing regularly for property owner use.

Produced 210,530 gallons in 2023.577 gpd(average of 850 gpd during peak month.)
Non-sounded well. Pump system regulates production when the pipestem empties. During busy season was able to net approximately 750 gpd average.

Cabin Well

Strengths—decent capacity
Piping exists to tie into current system
Close to main storage tank
New well house, good pump in place
Passed bacteriological testing, Chemical testing complete.
Produces from multiple aquifers
Recharges with normal cyclical rainfall

Weaknesses—adequate to supplement but not completely replace Smith Well

Unsure how much capacity TCEQ will certify
H2S content in water
~1 year lead time necessary to get through TCEQ process

Status—immediately available for non-potable use. Need TCEQ design and approval process to begin work on potable use.

Usage—produced >80,000 gallons in 15 days when testing.

Results of chemical testing
Sulfates were slightly high, resulting in the smell, but do not present  a potable quality issue. 
Other levels of note: Iron at 3.09 PPM is ten times the EPA recommended level and TDS at 1,400 PPM is 2.8 times the recommended level. Both of these levels are secondary standards and do not disqualify it for potable use. 
Three Mile Well

Strengths—high capacity and low recent usage

Pump and well house in good condition Accessible for public or road crew use. Pipeline to operations still in place 14,000 gallon storage tank in place.

Weaknesses—ran dry in 2011 (worst drought year in recorded history) Far from office and operations.
Unable to certify for potable use. ( in flood plane and storage tank does not meet current TCEQ standards.)

Probable capacity: 5,000 gallons+ per day
Status—fully operational
Usage—We have probably drawn <50,000 gallons in the past year.

Pool Well

Strengths—convenient, close to pool
Tied into non-potable distribution system. Lowest mineral content of any well.

Recharges quickly after rain. Underground spring fed. Pump and well house in place.

Weaknesses—shallowest well on site. Lowest overall outpu.t

Ineligible to be certified for potable use.
Well house needs to be updated and upgraded.

Status—producing regularly for pool and excess non-potable use

Usage—produced approximately 75,000 gallons in 2023. Produced 35,000 gallons in approximately 11 days to fill pool and an additional 5,000 or so gallons to supplement non-potable sales.

Non-potable well

Other Wells

Three Mile Well, west side – Low capacity (<2 gpm) well across the Ranch Road from the main Three Mile Well. Cannot be certified for potable use. Not sufficient volume to consider for use.

Saddle Well – Non-producing well near the saddle on White House Mountain. Last sounding was dry.